What is 10dlc and what does it mean for real estate wholesale

In real estate wholesaling, communication with your prospects is the lifeblood of your business. 

The ability to connect with prospects, negotiate deals, and respond to opportunities in real-time is paramount. 

However, with the introduction of Application-to-Person 10-Digit Long Code (A2P 10DLC) Campaign Registration, SMS messaging is undergoing significant changes, reducing your ability to engage with your prospects using SMS.

This comprehensive guide is designed to walk you through the complexities of A2P 10DLC.

You’ll learn what it is and why it’s happening, explore the costs, registration process, and more.

Whether you’re a seasoned wholesaler or just starting in the industry, this series will equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the transition to A2P 10DLC with confidence.


What is A2P 10DLC and Why is it Happening?

You may rely on SMS messaging to connect with clients, negotiate deals, and keep the wheels of business turning. 


What is A2P 10DLC?

A2P 10DLC stands for “Application-to-Person 10-Digit Long Code.” It’s a new standard for sending SMS messages from applications (like REI/kit) to individual people. 10DLC refers to the regular 10-digit phone numbers that most of us are familiar with.


What is A2P Campaign Registration?

An A2P Campaign is a way for telco carriers (T-Mobile, Verizon, etc.)  to apply filtering rules to your A2P 10DLC phone number.  Each phone number has to have a corresponding A2P Campaign registered before messages using that phone number can be delivered.

Two important requirements under the new A2P 10DLC regulations:

Businesses must identify who they are to the telcos — this is covered under Brand registration.

Businesses must register what type of messages they are sending, such as marketing messages, notifications, customer transaction status — this under Campaign registration.

Note that A2P 10DLC verbiage contains references to “Campaigns.”

These are separate from the multi-channel marketing automation campaigns in REI/kit that send drip messages or broadcasts out to contacts.

Therefore, for the rest of the article we term an A2P 10DLC Campaign as a “Campaign Use Case.”


Why is it Happening?

The shift towards A2P 10DLC is driven by several factors:

  1. Transparency and Trust: With the rise of spam and fraudulent messages, carriers want to ensure that the messages reaching consumers are legitimate. A2P 10DLC provides a way to register and vet the businesses sending these messages.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: Various regulatory bodies have been tightening the rules around electronic communications. Implementing A2P 10DLC helps carriers and businesses align with these regulations, ensuring that messages are compliant with laws like the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).
  3. Enhanced Delivery and Functionality: A2P 10DLC aims to improve the deliverability and functionality of messages. It supports higher messaging volumes and offers features like message threading, making it a more robust solution for businesses like yours.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness: While there may be some initial costs associated with transitioning to this new standard, it’s expected to be a more cost-effective solution in the long run, especially for businesses that send large volumes of messages.


What Does A2P 10DLC Mean for Wholesalers?

The implementation of A2P 10DLC is not just a change in the way SMS messages are sent; it’s a shift that has profound implications for real estate wholesalers. 

All SMS messages sent now are now strictly monitored for compliance with opt-in and consent, and aggressively filtered by the carriers.

Ultimately what it means is that you can no longer rely entirely on SMS messaging for the bulk of your business. 

We’ll talk more about marketing diversification at the bottom of this article.

For now we next cover the question, “Do I HAVE to comply with A2P 10DLC?”


Do I Have to Be A2P 10DLC Compliant?

The short answer to this question is yes, you must. 

Noncompliance can lead to fines of up to $10,000 for each text that you send, and those fines will be automatically levied.


What Happens if You Do Not Register for A2P 10DLC?

The carriers are now completely blocking delivery from non-registered numbers, and unregistered traffic is expected to fail. 

There is no warning or error message if your text does not go through, and carriers will not troubleshoot any issues associated with unregistered text messages.


Regulatory Requirements

  • Mandatory Compliance: If you’re using SMS messaging to communicate with clients, compliance with 10DLC is not optional. Major telcos in the U.S. have completed implementing this standard.
  • Legal Considerations: Failing to comply with 10DLC could expose your business to legal risks, including penalties and fines as mentioned. It’s essential to understand the regulations and ensure that your messaging practices align with them. 


Considerations for Smaller Wholesalers

If you’re a smaller wholesaler wondering if 10DLC applies to you, the answer is still yes. The scale of your operations doesn’t exempt you from compliance.

10DLC compliance is not just a regulatory hoop to jump through; it’s a critical step in ensuring that your real estate wholesaling business continues to operate effectively. Whether you’re a large-scale operator or a small independent wholesaler, 10DLC compliance is essential.


What Will 10DLC Compliance Cost?

Here is a breakdown of what costs you can expect for 10DLC compliance:


1. Registration Fees

  • Carrier Registration: Carriers charge a one-time registration fee for your brand and individual campaign use cases. These fees can vary depending on the carrier and the number of campaigns you run.
  • Platform or Vendor Fees: If you’re using a third-party platform or vendor to manage your SMS messaging, they may also charge fees for handling the registration process. 


REI/kit does not charge any platform fees to register; there is a $4.00 or Brand Registration fee, and a $15.00 per Campaign Usecase charge, and a $1.50 monthly maintenance fee.


2. Monthly and Ongoing Fees

  • Number Lease Costs: Depending on your setup, there may be monthly fees associated with leasing the 10-digit long codes (10DLC) you use for messaging. 

If you are an REI/kit subscriber, phone numbers are available at no cost with your plan. See our pricing page to determine how many virtual phone numbers are included with each plan: www.reikit.com/pricing

  • Campaign Fees: Some carriers or platforms may charge ongoing fees for maintaining individual messaging campaigns. 


REI/kit does not charge any fees to maintain your campaigns.


3. Message Costs

  • Per-Message Fees: The cost per message may vary under 10DLC compared to previous arrangements. These costs can depend on factors like the carrier, message type, and volume. 


How Do I Register for 10DLC?

Registering for 10DLC is a critical step in transitioning to this new messaging standard. 

Here is a breakdown to help navigate the process:


1. Register with a Trusted Provider

  • Work with a Provider: use a messaging platform or service provider that specializes in 10DLC and offers support for the registration process. 


REI/kit is one such platform.


2. Register Your Brand

  • Provide Business Information: You’ll need to provide details about your business, including legal name, address, tax ID, and other relevant information.
  • Pay the Registration Fee: There may be a one-time fee mandated by the carriers, to register your brand with the carriers. This fee can vary by carrier and provider.


3. Register Your Regulatory Campaign Use Case

  • Define Campaign Use Case Types: Identify the types of messaging campaigns you run (e.g., marketing, notifications, customer service) and register each separately.
  • Provide Campaign Use Case Details: You’ll need to provide details about each campaign use case you wish to register, including content, purpose, expected volume, and other relevant information.
  • Pay Campaign Use Case Fees: Some carriers or providers may charge fees for each campaign use case, either one-time or ongoing. 

REI/kit charges zero fees to manage your regulatory campaigns.


4. Lease 10DLC Numbers

  • Choose Numbers: Select the 10DLC numbers you’ll use for messaging. Your provider may offer options to lease numbers on a monthly basis. 


Every REI/kit plan includes at least one free local phone number. Toll-free numbers are offered as well.


5. Ensure Compliance

  • Follow Guidelines: Adhere to the guidelines and regulations related to 10DLC, including content, opt-in/opt-out practices, and other compliance considerations.


Registering for 10DLC is a multi-step process that involves working closely with your messaging provider, registering your brand and campaign use cases, leasing numbers, and ensuring compliance. 

While it may seem complex, REI/kit offers support and guidance to make the process as smooth as possible. 


How Long Does It Take for 10DLC Registration?

The process of registering for 10DLC involves several steps, and the time it takes can vary based on different factors. Here’s a general overview of the timeline:


1. Brand Registration

Time Frame: Business Profile submission and Brand registration typically takes only a few days once all required information is submitted.

Factors: Delays can occur if there are issues with the information provided, such as discrepancies in business details or incomplete documentation.


2. Campaign Use Case Registration

Time Frame: Registering individual campaign use cases can take up to a week per campaign.

Factors: The complexity of the campaigns, the number of campaigns use cases being registered, and the completeness of the information provided can influence the timeline.


3. Number Leasing and Setup

Time Frame: Leasing 10DLC numbers and setting up the messaging platform can usually be completed within a few hours.

Factors: The provider’s availability and the number of numbers being leased, can affect the time frame.


The overall process of registering for 10DLC can typically be completed within one to two weeks, but it can vary based on the factors mentioned above. Work closely with your messaging provider, ensuring that all information is accurate and complete.

Let’s talk about real estate wholesaling software that have A2P 10DLC registration built in, specifically REI/kit.


What is REI/kit?

REI/kit is the leading multi-channel marketing automation platform for real estate wholesaling. 

From lead generation websites to automated marketing with direct mail postcards, emails, ringless voicemails, SMS messages and cold call tools, REI/kit is the all-in-one software that thousands of wholesalers rely on to run their business.


How REI/kit Helps with A2P 10DLC Registration 

The Regulatory Compliance hub in REI/kit involves a four-step process that follows the outline above.


The benefits of using REI/kit to register your business are three-fold:

  1. Opt-in Compliant Websites Included
  2. Better chances of approval
  3. Someone on your side 


Opt-in Compliant Websites Included


One of the requirements for registration is that your business has a website that can be verified as Secure.

We have worked extensively with the carriers to create an opt-in compliant website that is most likely to increase your chances of approval. 

Every REI/kit plan comes with at least one website, which includes the appropriate consent verbiage and forms.

In addition, that website is the key to gaining opt-in from your prospects so that you can send them messages.


Better chances of approval

We have identified the most common mistakes that people make in their applications and have streamlined the process to avoid rejections.


Someone on your side

The A2P Campaign registration process is defined by the telecommunications companies, and it is not straightforward.

Our world class customer service team has seen it all.  You have a line of communication open to get help when something goes wrong, and someone to keep an eye on your application.

You might be wondering how you can keep your marketing machine from stalling without sending SMS while you are waiting for your application to get reviewed.


Read more about our compliance solution here:

Complete A2P 10DLC Compliance Solution for Real Estate Wholesalers


What to do while you wait for your 10DLC business registration to be approved


The August 31st, 2023 deadline for providers to implement A2P 10DLC has passed, and all SMS traffic is now blocked to recipients from non-registered phone numbers.

So what can you do if you cannot send SMS messages?


Diversify By Using Other Marketing Channels

REI/kit provides the most marketing automation channels of any software available today, so that you don’t lose momentum:


  • 10DLC Compliant Website included with every subscription
  • Direct Mail postcards that can be automated
  • Email marketing tool to blast out your website url and drive traffic to your website
  • Call Dialer


Don’t let your existing prospects fade away

Follow up is absolutely key whether you send SMS or not – if you have existing lists of prospects, don’t let your marketing slow down. 

Import those contacts into REI/kit now and put them on a postcard and email automation campaign to start getting responses and opt-ins.


Simplify 10DLC Business Registration with REI/kit’s Four-Step Process

Get started today: www.reikit.com/pricing

Learn more: Complete A2P 10DLC Compliance Solution for Real Estate Wholesalers


Through this article, we’ve explored the what, why, how, and more of A2P 10DLC, providing a roadmap for successful implementation. From understanding the costs and benefits to navigating registration process and compliance, we’ve covered the essential aspects that matter to you as a real estate wholesaler.